Convallaria majalis

Naming / manner to write

Originally the plant was named in Latin Lilium convallium.
Translated: 'Lily of the valley'.

Convallis is the Latin word for 'valley', the place where the plant was often found.
Linnaeus changed the name into Convallaria majalis, with which he wanted to mention that it flowers in May (maius).

Regarding the manner to write the names: for example one of the cultivars is named Fortin's Giant.
If you want to write that name botanically correct, then the apostrophe can be used because a cultivar name has to be written between single apostrophes and there can't be another one somewhere in the name.

Wrong is Convallaria majalis 'Fortin's Giant'. That has to be Convallaria majalis 'Fortins Giant'.
Just as 'Vic Pawlowskis Gold' instead of 'Vic Pawlowski's Gold'.
And as you see the Latin parts of the name should be written in italics and the cultivar or variety names between the apostrophes normally straight.

In the past some cultivars have been named different.
It's not always clear if one name is a synonym for the other or vice versa.
In the Sales list I try to mention all synonyms for each cultivar. If you have any additions, please let me know.

One remark: As you can see on the Catalogue page, there are several cultivars described as "Larger than the common lily".
I'm in doubt if all these different names are all different cultivars, or if it's just one that has been re-named several times in the past.

In the following years I will try to discover significant differences, such as length, date of flowering, number of bells per flower stalk, etc.
Until then all varieties will be offered under the name as I got it with my own purchase.

==>> Do you have a cultivar available which is not in my Catalogue, then I might be interested to buy or swop some! Contact me through email convallaria[at] (replace [at] by @).

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